Part 1 Preliminary
1.01 Name of Order [see Note 1]
1.02 Commencement
1.03 Revocation of previous Orders
1.04 Live animals and animal reproductive material to be prescribed goods
1.05 Definitions
1.06 Effect of State and Territory laws
Part 2 Export of live?stock by sea
Division 2.1 General
2.01 Definitions for this Part
2.01A Application of this Part
2.02 Prohibition on export of live?stock
Division 2.2 Registration of premises for holding and assembling live?stock for export
2.03 Application of this Division
2.04 Application for registration
2.05 Operations manuals
2.06 Consideration of applications for registration of premises
2.07 Criteria for registration of premises
2.08 Notice of decision
2.09 Registration — duration etc
2.10 Registration — conditions
2.11 Changes to operations manuals
2.12 Renewal of registration
2.13 Variation of registration
2.14 Show?cause notices
2.15 Cancellation of registration
2.16 Notice of cancellation
Division 2.4 Notice of intention to export and related matters
2.41 Notices of intention to export (NOIs)
2.42 Consignment risk management plans (CRMPs)
2.43 Giving NOIs and CRMPs to Secretary
2.44 Approval of NOIs and CRMPs
2.45 Effect of approval of NOIs and CRMPs
2.46 What happens if circumstances change
2.47 Approved export programs for live?stock
2.48 When live?stock to be accompanied by accredited veterinarian
2.49 Variation of approved export programs for live?stock
2.50 Suspension or cancellation of approved export programs for live?stock
2.51 Payment of costs of authorised officers etc
Division 2.5 Inspection of live?stock before export and grant of export permit
2.52 Application for pre?export inspection etc
2.53 Health certificates
2.54 Grant of permission to leave for loading [see Note 2]
2.55 Variation of travel and loading plans
2.56 Conditions of permission to leave for loading
2.57 Suspension or cancellation of permission to leave for loading
2.58 Application for export permit
2.59 Grant of export permit
2.60 Refusal to grant permit
2.61 Revocation of export permits
Part 3 Other export of live animals
3.01 Application of this Part
3.02 Definitions for this Part
3.03 Prohibition on export of live animals
3.04 Notices of intention to export (NOIs)
3.05 Giving NOIs to Secretary
3.06 Approval of premises for pre?export quarantine or isolation
3.07 Approval of NOIs
3.08 Effect of approval of NOIs
3.09 What happens if circumstances change
3.10 Approved export programs for live?stock exported by air
3.11 Variation of approved export programs for live?stock
3.12 Suspension or cancellation of approved export programs for live?stock
3.13 Payment of costs of authorised officers etc
3.14 Health certificates
3.15 Grant of export permit for export of live animals
3.16 Refusal to grant permit
3.17 Revocation of export permits
Part 4 Export of animal reproductive material
4.01 Prohibition on export of animal reproductive material
4.02 Giving notice of intention to export for export of animal reproductive material
4.03 Health certificates
4.04 Export permit for animal reproductive material
Part 4A Accreditation of veterinarians for live?stock export
4A.01 Definitions
4A.02 Accredited veterinarians
4A.03 Certain veterinarians taken to be accredited
4A.04 Application for accreditation
4A.05 Period of accreditation
4A.06 Type of accreditation
4A.07 Decision to accredit
4A.08 Variation of accreditation
4A.09 Other conditions of accreditation
4A.10 Revocation and suspension of accreditation
4A.11 Immediate suspension of accreditation in some circumstances
4A.12 Effect of suspension
4A.13 Reinstatement after revocation
4A.14 Accredited veterinarians to keep certain records
4A.15 Reports by accredited veterinarians on voyages
Part 5 Audit
5.01 Definition
5.02 Purpose of audit
5.03 Audit frequency and intensity
5.04 Who is to carry out audits
5.05 Operator etc to provide assistance
5.06 Immediate notification of failures
5.07 Audit reports
Part 6 Miscellaneous
6.01 Use of official marks
6.02 Samples
6.03 Reconsideration and review of decisions
Part 7 Transitional
7.01 Transitional arrangements in relation to exports
7.02 Transitional arrangements in relation to registered premises
具體內(nèi)容請(qǐng)?jiān)斠?jiàn) 動(dòng)物出口管制細(xì)則(Export Control (Animals) Order 2004) F2006C00731.pdf
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